AI & Machine Learning
Generate Value From GenAI With ‘Small t’ Transformations
Companies are getting real value from generative AI today and building for future transformation by managing risk.
Companies are getting real value from generative AI today and building for future transformation by managing risk.
Work will be messy and volatile in 2025: Focus on developing these leadership skills.
Generative AI can greatly enhance organizational learning, but using it successfully requires the right mindset.
Many organizations aren’t sure how to reap business value from GenAI. This series offers expert insights and examples.
Wise leaders live with the discomfort of uncertainty and focus on horizon scanning and preparing for a range of options.
From hyping up teams to finding the right data, ever more challenging tasks demand new approaches. Here are four tips.
AI-powered SPM can help businesses address their sales strategy and process problems through precision forecasting.
In this video, learn how to avoid the most common pitfalls leaders face during a pivot in corporate strategy.
As companies proceed through the business life cycle, they need to adapt their strategies to fit the stage they’re in.
Learn how services firms can transform into product-based businesses to achieve greater scale and profitability.
Leaders should consider the potential repercussions of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that overturned the legal doctrine.
Digital disruption is not always an organization’s best option. Here’s how to decide whether to disrupt or adapt.
Apply these four lessons to successfully put employees at the heart of strategic planning and benefit from their input.
This issue of MIT SMR focuses on analytics, the challenges of advancing artificial intelligence, and business strategy.
Executives must confront a strategic planning blind spot: their assumptions about the future business context.
A data monetization matrix can help leaders assess opportunities and approaches for converting data into revenue.
The fall 2023 issue of MIT Sloan Management Review examines innovation systems and strategies for business leaders.
A more logical approach to risk management can help leaders sustain value generation through disruption and uncertainty.
Business leaders who write competitors’ actions off as irrational risk getting blind-sided.
Shifting emphasis from customer lifetime value to customer portfolio lifetime value can drive future revenue and lower costs.