Developing Strategy
Harnessing the Secret Structure of Innovation
Innovation success is the result of a deliberate search using key information signals.
Innovation success is the result of a deliberate search using key information signals.
The Chinese telecom company Huawei has used strategic partnerships to gain ground in Europe.
Companies entering global markets should identify an approach that best suits their business model.
New business executives face a choice: What kind of companies do they want to lead?
New research suggests the term “viral” marketing does not describe well what happens in the market.
Pursuing growth opportunities without defining your ideal customers can hamper profitable growth.
To sustain a global competitive advantage, companies must enhance and renew their core capabilities.
Here are six questions for executives to consider when thinking about business model innovation.
Another method to pursue growth: Use thought experiments to assess new business model possibilities.
In these days of uncertain markets, how do you manage risk prudently – yet still grow your company?
Some companies pursue growth despite a recession –and there’s a theory behind that.
CEOs need to scan for the faint — but vital — signals that will help give their companies an edge.
Success in innovation requires the ability to churn out successful growth businesses year after year.
Companies have four ways of building businesses from within their organizations. Each approach provides certain benefits — and raises specific challenges.