Innovation Strategy
Overcoming the Innovator’s Paradox
Innovators need to develop their innovation capital so they can turn their ideas into reality.
Innovators need to develop their innovation capital so they can turn their ideas into reality.
As the CIO function becomes more strategic, these executives focus on customer experience.
A webinar describes how to develop AI customer service chatbots that meet customer expectations.
Experience disrupters, leading up, COVID-19’s economic impact, and building effective teams.
A new species of disrupter has great products but offers even better experiences.
Companies using e-commerce sites like Amazon must work to maintain a strong brand identity.
Tinder’s entrance into the dating app industry was a literal game changer.
The changing role of CEO, designing AI systems customers won’t hate, and a lesson from Beethoven.
Companies implementing AI must protect customers’ autonomy, privacy, and individuality.
Getting ahead of industry disruption, successful frameworks for strategic decision-making, and creating value through customer experience.
Major makeovers should benefit — and be noticed by — those who buy a company’s products and services.
MIT Sloan Management Review‘s Fall 2019 issue looks at customer experience, collaboration, and cybercrime.
The most memorable experiences are suffused with emotion — not extra features or value for money.
A successful pitch for AI must overcome economic, technical, political, and cultural hurdles.
New competitors will require consumer packaged goods companies to engage directly with consumers.
Consumers’ concerns about data privacy are offset by a desire for personalized service.
AI is making it possible for companies to reach a new level of customer-centric marketing.
Chatbots aren’t replacing human customer service agents — they’re making them more efficient.
Customer-focused design is core for successful B2B e-commerce.