Elizabeth M. Renieris

Elizabeth M. Renieris is a senior research associate at Oxford’s Institute for Ethics in AI and the founder and CEO of Hackylawyer, a law and policy consultancy. As a data protection and privacy expert (CIPP/E, CIPP/US) focused on data governance as well as the ethical and human rights implications of digital identity, AI, blockchain, and other emerging technologies, she has advised the World Bank, U.S. House of Representatives, U.K. Parliament, European Commission, and a variety of international organizations and prominent technology companies on these subjects.

A former fellow at Stanford’s Digital Civil Society Lab, Harvard’s Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, and Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, Renieris is the author of Beyond Data: Reclaiming Human Rights at the Dawn of the Metaverse (MIT Press, 2023). She holds an LLM from the London School of Economics, JD from Vanderbilt University, and AB from Harvard College.

Explore Renieris’s work with MIT SMR below.

Elizabeth Renieris

Elizabeth M. Renieris

Senior research associate, Oxford’s Institute for Ethics in AI

Contributing editor, MIT Sloan Management Review

Elizabeth Renieris at MIT SMR