Now You See Me, Now I’m Gone
As undervalued performers become more visible, they also gain more options to leave their employers.
Aad Goudappel/
Technology-enabled remote work and changing work norms are making it easier for people to change roles or employers without uprooting themselves.1 But technology may play another role in employee mobility by making their contributions more visible. Our research shows how increased performance visibility can impact turnover.
Now that organizations are using digital collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, HubSpot, and Salesforce extensively, individual-level contributions and talents are gaining visibility. These tools don’t just facilitate the work itself; they also capture who does what and how it’s done, giving managers a clearer view of how teams work.2 They also make it easier for remote workers to connect with mentors and others in their organization who can help them grow and advance.
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Those recent developments intersect with another trend that’s been around a bit longer: Through online conferences, courses, publications, and online platforms such as LinkedIn and Substack, people can widely share and promote their expertise in many formats — articles, podcasts, videos, newsletters, tutorials, live coaching sessions, virtual presentations, and so on. The content they generate serves as marketing for their employers, but it also builds their professional reputations. And that, too, enhances visibility and mobility — not just for superstars, but for a much larger cohort of workers.
At the time of this writing, quit rates are on the rise.3 This is a critical moment — employers are bleeding talent, yet they don’t know how to address it. They’re keen to understand why people are leaving and to better meet their needs, and that’s wise. However, doing all that requires deeper insight into mobility itself — what constrains it, how visibility unlocks it, and the questions it raises for employers battling attrition. That’s what we’ll discuss here.
Information Asymmetry Constrains Mobility
When organizations lack credible information about individuals’ performance and quality, they struggle to identify good hires. Historically, this hampered candidates’ mobility.
1. P. Choudhury, C. Foroughi, and B. Larson, “Work From Anywhere: The Productivity Effects of Geographic Flexibility,” Strategic Management Journal 42, no. 4 (April 2021): 655-683.
2. P. Leonardi, “Picking the Right Approach to Digital Collaboration,” MIT Sloan Management Review 62, no. 3 (spring 2021): 73-80.
3. R. Maurer, “Job Openings, Quits Start to Fall,” SHRM, July 6, 2022,
4. E.P. Lazear, “Raids and Offer Matching,” in “Research in Labor Economics: A Research Annual, Vol. 8,” ed. R.G. Ehrenberg (New York: JAI Press, 1986), 141-165.
5. D. Haas, “The Effect of Public Knowledge of Worker Quality on Worker Mobility: Evidence From the Labor Market for Financial Analysts” (bachelor’s thesis, Harvard University, 2004).
6. M. Siconolfi, “Shearson Research Analysts Finish First on ‘All-America Team’ for Third Year,” The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 13, 1992, C18.
7. D.A. Hanauer, K. Zheng, D.C. Singer, et al., “Public Awareness, Perception, and Use of Online Physician Rating Sites,” Journal of the American Medical Association 311, no. 7 (Feb. 19, 2014): 734-735.
8. J. Fuller, C. Langer, and M. Sigelman, “Skills-Based Hiring Is on the Rise,” Harvard Business Review, Feb. 11, 2022,; and T. Vander Ark, “The Rise of Skills-Based Hiring and What It Means for Education,” Forbes, June 29, 2021,
9. J. Bariso, “How Google’s New Career Certificates Could Disrupt the College Degree,” Inc., March 11, 2021,
10. “Help Your Workforce Develop In-Demand Skills,” Grow With Google, Google, accessed Sept. 23, 2022,
11. Lazear, “Raids and Offer Matching,” 141-165.
12. A.C. Edmondson and A. Tucker, “Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center,” Harvard Business School case no. 609-109 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2009).
13. B. Groysberg and I. Vargas, “Innovation and Collaboration at Merrill Lynch,” Harvard Business School case no. 406-081 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2005).
14. D. Sull, C. Sull, and B. Zweig, “Toxic Culture Is Driving the Great Resignation,” MIT Sloan Management Review, Jan. 11, 2022,
15. H. Tupper and S. Ellis, “It’s Time to Reimagine Employee Retention,” Harvard Business Review, July 4, 2022,
16. Sull, Sull, and Zweig, “Toxic Culture Is Driving the Great Resignation.”
17. R.L. Martin, “The Real Secret to Retaining Talent,” Harvard Business Review 100, no. 2 (March-April 2022): 126-133.